The pre-submission of conference contributions closed in April. If you are still interested in participating, please contact us at t2m@leibniz-ifl.de and we can discuss your options of participation!
Register before 7 September!
If you have not received a registration invitation email from us, please contact us at t2m@leibniz-ifl.de. Registration, payment, and submission of contributions are processed via the Indico conference registration portal.
Become a T2M Association member
We also invite you to become a member of the T2M Association if you have not done so yet. Being a T2M member yields numerous benefits, including discounted conference fees and access to the Journal of Transport History, Transfers and Mobilities. You will find more information here: https://t2m.org/internal/become-a-member/
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at t2m@leibniz-ifl.de. We are here to help!