“What would happen if we assessed publicness not by degrees of openness and inclusion, but through the nexus of vulnerability and complicity that is fundamental to the notion of exposure?”
In their article published in cultural geographies, Laura Kemmer, CoMoDe researcher Wladimir Sgibnev, Tonio Weicker and Maxwell Woods explore this question. The authors draw on the autobiographical chronicles of the Chilenian writer Pedro Lemebel, rethinking publicness through the perspective of public transport.
Laura Kemmer on twitter about the writing process:
“it has been inspiring and rewarding writing this in collab. with Wladimir Sgibnev & Tonio Weicker @Leibniz_IfL, and Maxwell Woods @UAI_VINA, all met through the fabulous @hera_putspace – may this just be the beginning of an exchange across North-South/East-West”
— Laura Kemmer (@LauraKemmer) January 7, 2022
Read the full article here.