The last panel of the free Online panel & discussion series, dedicated on CEE Societies and cultures, will take place On 7th June, 16:30-18:00 CET. The panelists Stefan Popov, Karolina Wigura, and Špela Drnovšek Zorko will discuss about the connections between Central Europe, Brexit and Covid-19. The panel is part of the RSA CEE pre-conference programme and will be hosted and moderated by Lyubomir Pozharliev.
Mobilty Forum: ‘Tensions on Tracks’ and ‘Bike-sharing practice’
The Mobility Forum at TUB invites us to join on 19.05.2022, 10:00-12:00 (Berlin time zone, UTC+1). Topics of the session are going to be Tensions on tracks: The closure of the tramline routes in the course of the opening of the Subway in Sofia, presented by Dr. Lyubomir Pozharliev and Urban growth, transport system and environment: a comparative study of Bike-sharing practice, presented by Bermet Borubaeva (Bishkek School of Contemporary Art). The Lecture is free of charge and open for everyone. You can join the forum online or in room 3116 in ZTG, TU Berlin, no registration needed.
More information here.
Lecture: Lyubomir Pozharliev on Transport Infrastructure in Socialist Bulgaria and Yugoslavia (1945–1989)

On April 1st Lyubomir Pozharliev was giving a lecture at The Balkan Circle at the University of Texas at Austin. There he was presenting his monography „The Road to Socialism. Transport Infrastructure in Socialist Bulgaria and Yugoslavia (1945–1989)“.
Continue reading “Lecture: Lyubomir Pozharliev on Transport Infrastructure in Socialist Bulgaria and Yugoslavia (1945–1989)”
EXTENEDED DEADLINE | Call for Contributions: CoMoDe and EEGA special sessions on infrastructure
The 2022 RSA Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) conference “Bridging Old and New Divides: Global Dynamics & Regional Transformations”, 14th to 17th September 2022 in Leipzig is open for your contributions until 30th May. Herewith we invite you to join one of the EEGA special sessions on infrastructure, hosted by Wladimir Sgibnev, Tonio Weicker and Lyubomir Pozharliev.
Conference: Public Transport as Public Space (Brussels, 20-22 April 2022)

Understanding the publicness of public transport as an understudied field of interests the PUTSPACE project came up with the conference Public Transport as Public Space in Brussels, Belgium. From the 20-22 April 2022 academic researchers, public officials, policy experts, activists and artists are sharing and gathering their knowledge and experiences of public transport under the leading question What makes public transport a type of public space, and for whom. Continue reading “Conference: Public Transport as Public Space (Brussels, 20-22 April 2022)”
Egors Field Trip to Ulyanovsk, Russia
Egor Muleev spent 3 weeks in February and March on a fieldwork in Ulyanovsk, Russia. There the trolleybus network development went hand in hand with construction of a huge aviation plant back in 1980-s. The initial plan was to try an experimental “bottom-up” fieldwork by working in a local trolleybus depot as a conductor.
Open Call: Visiting fellows programme at CoMoDe project
The Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany, invites applications for its Visiting fellows programme in the framework of the research project “Contentious Mobilities: Rethinking Mobility Transitions through a Decolonial Lens (CoMoDe)”.
Academic and non-academic applicants are welcome to apply for stays ranging from one to six months at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) in Leipzig. The fellowship scheme is administered by the IfL and financed by the Leibniz Association in the framework of its Junior Research Group programme. Continue reading “Open Call: Visiting fellows programme at CoMoDe project”
Spaces of exposure: Re-thinking ‘publicness’ through public transport

“What would happen if we assessed publicness not by degrees of openness and inclusion, but through the nexus of vulnerability and complicity that is fundamental to the notion of exposure?” Continue reading “Spaces of exposure: Re-thinking ‘publicness’ through public transport”
“The self-colonizing metaphor” – Prof. Alexander Kiossev discusses his concept with researchers in Leipzig

This article by CoMoDe researcher Lyubomir Pozharliev was first published on the Read the originial article here.
From 28 November to 4 December 2021, the IfL and many research facilities in Leipzig had a very exciting and tense week together with Professor Alexander Kiossev from Sofia University.
Continue reading ““The self-colonizing metaphor” – Prof. Alexander Kiossev discusses his concept with researchers in Leipzig”
CoMoDe research trip to Uzbekistan

In October 2021, the CoMoDe project travelled to Uzbekistan for a one-week research, exchange and conference. This event was integrated into a longer fieldwork of our colleague Mariya, who is doing her PhD research on the ongoing public transport reforms in Uzbekistan. Continue reading “CoMoDe research trip to Uzbekistan”